Well Child Exams

  • Growth and development screening
  • Tobacco screening
  • Alcohol screening
  • Depression screening
  • Nutrition screening
  • Exercise screening
  • STD and pregnancy prevention
  • Sports and school physical exams
  • Immunizations
  • Blood pressure screening when appropriate
  • Safety at home, in the car and when operating moving objects

From newborn screening, through young childhood and adolescence, we will partner with you to assist in evaluation and counseling of your children regarding healthy lifestyles that may prevent accidents and chronic illness. As your newborn grows into a toddler and a young child, many developmental milestones are reached. Screening to make sure that those milestones are achieved and intervening when they are not achieved, gives your child a better chance at growing up into a healthy, productive adult.

School and sports physicals help to identify potential threats to your child’s health during participation in sports. During a sports physical, your child is evaluated with a focus on preventing injuries, making sure it is safe for your child to play specific sports and counseling regarding healthy lifestyles.

Many chronic illnesses begin during the adolescent ages, through lifestyle choices adolescents make. These include tobacco, alcohol and street drug use as well as unprotected sexual activity. Adolescent depression and risky behaviors result in accidents and potentially suicides. We provide screening and healthy lifestyle counseling that may assist your adolescent in making wise choices when faced with the difficult decisions he/she must make on a daily basis.

Many serious and deadly illnesses are prevented through immunizations. Such illnesses as polio, pneumonias, influenza, measles, mumps and rubella, chicken pox and hepatitis are prevented through routine immunization. We will assist you in keeping your children current on their immunizations, reducing the risk of illness, missed school and long-term consequences of these illnesses. Be sure to bring your child’s immunization card for his/her well child exam.

We look forward to partnering with you and your child to promote health throughout the life span.